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Services - RV model

Relative Value Model

The Relative Value ('RV') Model is a proprietary stock selection methodology used to identify companies that are undervalued in comparison to their peers based on a number of key metrics. Using this methodology, we construct a ten-stock model portfolio of globally diversified companies designed to complement the types of exposures available through the Australian stock market. 

As a client, you will gain access to our model portfolio which has a low turnover and an impressive long term track record since 1992. 

Portfolio Construction

Portfolio Construction

After conducting a Know Your Customer interview, we will design an investment strategy for you. Firstly, we will coordinate our effort with your Australian broker. It is important for us to have a look at your Australian portfolio to understand your asset allocation.

Portfolio Maintenance 

Portfolio Maintenence
Fortrend’s ongoing services, after you put a portfolio in place, include:

  • The Market Wrap, a daily summary of overnight market action

  • The Relative Value Model, our flagship monthly publication

  • Invitations to our regular briefings based on the content of the RV Model

  • Stock Updates

  • Portfolio Recommendations

Financial Interview

Financial Interview

1.  Describe your family life, professional background, and personal interests.


2.  What are the numbers: what is your balance sheet, income statements, expenses and financial objectives?


3.  Who are the other financial service providers in your life?


Please note that Fortrend provides a very specialist service. We are not accountants, financial planners or insurance brokers.  We do not do estate planning and we do not sell insurance.


Fortrend’s role is to construct and manage international investment portfolios for a wide range of investors including sophisticated investors and self managed super funds.  Because there are many services that we can not provide, we can refer you to a list of accountants, financial planners and other services providers that we maintain.

Additional Services

Third Party

In addition to our proprietary stock selection methodology, clients can access various third-party research.



For up-to-date market commentary, as well as stock, currency, and index performance, subscribe to the Fortrend Market Wrap.

Monthly Global Investment Briefings

Investors and prospective clients are invited to join us at our monthly global investment briefings.

24 Hour


Trades can be placed online (U.S. markets), or via phone during Melbourne business / U.S. market hours.

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